Antwerp 10 Miles

Training communication skills
Spring training at Trevalco
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Training communication skills
Spring training at Trevalco
March 29, 2024
Fun and Healthy Cooking Workshop
June 6, 2024
Antwerp 10 Miles Trevalco

This year our team at Trevalco participated for the first time in the renowned Antwerp 10 Miles. With a blend of anticipation and excitement, two of our colleagues tackled the short run, while five brave souls stepped up to the challenge of the full 10 miles.

The day greeted us with a crisp, chilly morning, a reminder that it’s still early spring. However, the occasional beams of sunlight breaking through the clouds, along with the contagious enthusiasm and smiling faces of thousands of participants, brought warmth that uplifted our spirits.

Our journey through the city was nothing short of exhilarating. The streets of Antwerp, usually bustling with the rhythm of daily life, transformed into a vibrant runway for runners from all walks of life. The scenic route offered us a unique view of the city’s stunning architecture and buzzing crowds, cheering every runner with waves and words of encouragement.

Every member of the Trevalco team crossed the finish line, not just meeting personal goals but also setting some impressive times.

Joachim Nuyttens
Joachim Nuyttens
At Trevalco I'm responsible for HR and Quality. The main goal of my job is to create an organization in which we foster personal development and build towards direct motives that inspire performance: play, purpose and potential. Because at the end of the day we want happy employees delivering great services to our customers.

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